以前總是唱一半 , 這次要好好地把歌詞看一下
目前分類:影片 (10)
- May 26 Mon 2014 11:17
[詩與歌] We wish you a merry Christmas
- May 26 Mon 2014 11:10
[詩與歌] I'll be home for Christmas
- May 09 Fri 2014 11:27
[詩與歌] 法國國歌(La Marseillaise)
- May 09 Fri 2014 11:13
[詩與歌] 紐西蘭國歌(God Defend New Zealand)
「God Defend New Zealand」的歌詞本來是一首詩,於1870年代由 Thomas Bracken 所創作。1876年,有人為了替這首詩譜上音樂而舉辦了一次比賽,獲勝者可以得到十個金鎊,結果由 John Joseph Woods 得獎。在19世紀到20世紀初期,這首歌的受歡迎程度一直有增無減。1940年,紐西
- May 09 Fri 2014 10:23
[詩與歌] 德國國歌(Lied der Deutschen)
- May 08 Thu 2014 14:52
[詩與歌] Soldiers Song (愛爾蘭國歌) 5/12-5/16
We'll sing a song, a soldier's song
With cheering rousing chorus
As round our blazing fires we throng
The starry heavens o'er us
Impatient for the coming fight
And as we await the morning light
Here in the silence of the night
We'll chant the soldier's song
Soldiers are we,
whose lives are pledged to Ireland,
Some have come
from a land beyond the wave,
Sworn to be free,
no more our ancient sireland,
Shall shelter the despot or the slave.
Tonight we man the "bearna baoil"
In Erins cause, come woe or weal,
Mid cannon's roar and rifles' peal,
We'll chant the soldier's song.
In valley green, on towering crag
Our fathers fought before us
And conquered 'neath the same old flag
Thats proudly floating o'er us
We're children of a fighting race
That never yet has known disgrace
And as we march, the foe to face
Well chant the soldier's song
Soldiers are we...
Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale!
The long-watched day is breaking
The serried ranks of Inisfail
Shall set the tyrant quaking
Our camp fires now are burning low
See in the east a silv'ry glow
Out yonder waits the Saxon foe
So chant the soldier's song.
- May 08 Thu 2014 11:08
[詩與歌] O Canada (加拿大國歌)
有次在節目上 , 聽到夏克立唱這首歌 , 好開心啊! 要不是先聽過 , 其實我會不知道他在唱什麼
- May 08 Thu 2014 11:01
[詩與歌] Star Spangled Banner (美國國歌)
原本聽得版本無法崁入 , 沒關係 ! 聽聽另一個版本也好 , 也是不一樣的風情
- May 08 Thu 2014 10:53
[詩與歌] God Save the Queen
再接再厲 , 再練習一次 ! 免得下次又忘記了 ! 要把找到的歌詞記錄下來 , 每天固定撥放來聽
- May 08 Thu 2014 10:44
[詩與歌] Good King Wenceslas
終於學會了將You tube影片崁入癖客幫了 , 沒辦法我對這種文字上的閱讀實在是有大大大的障礙